Tuesday, 27 November 2012

T-Zone spot zapping stick

Me again! (I have free time at work so I'm getting in all my reviews now! Hehe!) So I decided to do another review, this time of a product that is meant to zap spots away. I first saw this product at my local beauty store, I literally think it's called Beauty Store. It was £1.80 but the guy gave me it for £1.50 which was a bargain! I've never had much luck with spot clearing products so getting it on the cheap sold me! I took this product home with positive feelings about it. I somewhat think these positive feelings are still there. A little. I've used T-Zone before, there was one product which you can't buy now but it was amazing on my skin. Anyway, it's a roll on so you just roll it on the spot! Simple. I used it and it made the spot stung a little bit. There's obviously an ingredient which didn't react well. I used it three times that day. The next day the spot was less visible! I decided to wash my face and then use it again. I only used it twice that day, next morning spot was gone. I think though that because I've used it so much it's got used to my skin, as it doesn't work as well.

It now just makes my skin feel a bit greasy and it doesn't make it sting like it used to. So I've taken a break from using it just now. Hoping it might re-work haha. I think if I had paid the full price for it I'd have been a bit miffed that it'd stopped working. I always get horrendous break out on my forehead. Can anyone recommend a good sorta cheap product that fights against spots? 
Can't wait till I'm older and might not get them haha

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